Graduates of undergraduate and graduate programs in the Department of Physics have had an impact not only on physics, but also on a wide range of other fields such as public policy, education, and medicine and the life sciences.
Giving to Cornell Physics
Through giving, you can help us reach our goals for outstanding research and educational excellence by sponsoring colloquia, hosting conferences at Cornell, introducing technology to our classrooms, and modernizing the equipment in our teaching labs. Larger gifts can endow a Postdoctoral Prize or Graduate Student Fellowship or support the department’s program to address the national shortage of high school physics teachers.
Whether your gift is large or small, a gift to Cornell Physics gives the gift of science to countless individuals. Please take a moment to consider making a gift now.
Physics Events
Department of Physics Colloquium, Professor Andrei Bernevig, Princeton University
LASSP Special Seminar- Yuan Cao
Department of Physics Colloquium, Professor Michael Murrell, Yale University
LASSP Special Seminar- Hope Bretscher
Department of Physics Colloquium, Professor Debanjan Chowdhury, Cornell University
Department of Physics Colloquium - Ralls Lecture, Professor Jasna Brujic, NYU
Stay in Touch!
Physics alumni and friends: please update your contact/employment information by clicking the button below.
Seeking Alumni Profiles
Are you or do you know a former physics student doing something exciting or different with their physics training? We are looking for an interesting and diverse set of Cornell Physics Alumni to profile for a new project.
Please fill out this survey with a name, contact info, and a few words describing the path taken after a physics education. You can complete the survey multiple times to suggest as many people as you like, including yourself!
We aim to produce public-facing profiles of Cornell Physics Alumni to demonstrate the wide range of what it means to be a physicist. We hope to gather information here to create profiles representing an expansive collection of physics careers and a breadth of backgrounds and demographics.