Selecting the Right Physics Course
Students interested in the Physics Major typically begin with PHYS 1112 and PHYS 1110 or the augmented version PHYS 1116 and PHYS 1110. In some cases, students who take PHYS 1112 may want to also take PHYS 1116 to learn Special Relativity. If not, then they must take PHYS 2216 (1cr). These students should see our First-Year Brochure* for more advice on course selection. Engineering students with a strong interest in Physics may also find that brochure helpful. *Updates to the major requirements have been made since the First-Year Brochure was printed. Please refer to the updated Major Requirements sheet.
Students preparing for Health Careers typically take one of three sequences: PHYS 1101-1102, PHYS 2207-2208, or PHYS 1112-1110-2213-2214. The augmented sequence PHYS 1116-1110-2217-2218-2210 is also a viable option, but is much more challenging. These students should see our web page on Physics for Students in Health Careers for more advice.
Students in Science disciplines other than Physics (such as Chemistry or Biology) often take PHYS 2207-2208 or PHYS 1112-1110-2213-2214. Engineering students typically take PHYS 1112-1110-2213-2214. Further details can be found on our web page on Physics for Students in Science and Engineering.
Students looking for a course which fulfills their distribution requirement typically take one of the courses listed between PHYS 1201-1204.