Physics Learning Strategies Center

What is the Learning Strategies Center?

The Learning Strategies Center (LSC) is the central academic support unit for undergraduates at Cornell University. It provides co-curricular academic programming that engages students in the learning process and supports their efforts to become successful learners. General programming is offered through the LSC central office in 420 CCC, and discipline-specific programming is offered within a variety of departments across campus.

What is the Physics Learning Strategies Center?

The Physics Learning Strategies Center (Physics LSC) is the organizational branch of the LSC that operates within the Department of Physics at Cornell to provide the services described below (during fall and spring semesters). Physics LSC programming is directed by Dr. Jim Baker, whose office is located in the Physics Learning Suite on the second floor of Clark Hall. See below for contact information.

What resources does the Physics LSC offer?

Free Tutoring

Peer tutors are available to help students who are enrolled in introductory physics courses. No appointments are necessary, and students may come and go as they please. Tutoring for students enrolled in upper-level and augmented track courses may also be arranged.

Day (when classes are in session)TimeRoom
Sunday3:00 - 9:00 pmClark 294B
Monday-Thursday4:30-9:30 pmClark 294B
Fridays3:30 - 5:30 pmClark 294B
NOTE:  Peer tutoring will not be available during official university breaks and holidays. However, Physics LSC Tutoring is available during study period and finals week! Our modified schedule is available here.  

 Are you an experienced student who is interested in helping your peers as a Physics LSC as a tutor? If so, apply here!

Supplement Courses

LSC supplemental courses are auxiliary 1-credit S/U courses that are taught in conjunction with the large, introductory-level engineering physics courses. Supplemental courses clarify lecture material, provide practice with problem-solving, and offer tips for effective learning and content mastery. In addition to promoting deep understanding of the physics content, these courses support the development of transferable learning strategies and critical thinking skills that enable participants to achieve educational success in all their courses. Each supplement course is open to any student enrolled in the corresponding parent course, and students may attend supplement course sessions whether or not they are enrolled for credit. (Note: students enrolled in supplement courses for credit will be given priority for time, space, materials, and access to online content.)

Fall 2024 Courses: 

Phys 1012, in support of Phys 1112 (Mechanics & Heat)

Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:25 pm, Clark Hall 294D

Phys 1013, in support of Phys 2213 (Electromagnetism)

Mondays 2:30 - 4:25 pm, Clark Hall 294H

LSC Physics Lecturer Office Hours and Consultations

Dr. Baker regularly meets with students who want to discuss strategies for being successful in learning physics or who seek to discuss course content. Students may visit Clark 292 (or arrange to connect online via Zoom) during the office hours posted below, or make an individual appointment outside of those times. Students from all physics courses are welcome. (Note: schedule subject to change; check back for updates.). 

Office Hours: Clark Hall 292

Office Hours (Clark Hall 292)
Tuesdays2:00pm - 4:00pm
Thursdays2:00pm - 4:00pm
Also by appointmentEmail to schedule!

Want more information?


Jim Baker, Ph.D., M.Ed.
LSC Physics Lecturer
292 Clark Hall
