
Wilson Synchotron Lab

Accelerator Physics

Cornell accelerator physicists pursue a broad range of topics in accelerator science and technology, from the operation of the on-campus Cornell Electron Storage Ring, also known as CESR, to the construction of an innovative new x-ray light source and the design and construction of future high energy colliders.

Read more about Accelerator Physics

Gravitational waves

Astrophysics, General Relativity and Cosmology

Cornell has long been a leader in theoretical astrophysics—the modeling of phenomena in our solar system, galaxy, distant galaxies and the early universe.

Read more about Astrophysics, General Relativity and Cosmology


Biological Physics

Biological physics uses the tools and techniques of physics to understand the inner workings of the machinery found in living organisms on length scales ranging from the molecular to the macroscopic. 

Read more about Biological Physics

ECMP equipment

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Condensed-matter physics concerns atoms in close proximity to one another and interacting strongly, as in the liquid and solid states.

Read more about Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Synchtron tunnel

Experimental Elementary Particle Physics

Cornell’s particle physicists are involved with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the International Linear Collider and the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR).

Read more about Experimental Elementary Particle Physics

Students in Physics class

Physics Education Research

Physics Education Research (PER) is the study of how people learn physics and how to improve the quality of physics education.

Read more about Physics Education Research


Theoretical Condensed-Matter Physics

Cornell set in place several keystones of contemporary condensed-matter physics.

Read more about Theoretical Condensed-Matter Physics


Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics

The Standard Model of strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions is the crowning achievement of twentieth century physics.

Read more about Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics
