The Department of Physics at Cornell offers an education hard to find at any other university. From award-winning faculty to research and experimental facilities such as the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source and Cornell Center for Nanoscale Systems, your education at Cornell will include classroom and laboratory experiences that are second to none.
How to Apply
Prospective First-Year Students
Students interested in applying for admission to Cornell University can indicate their desire to major in physics on their application to the College of Arts and Sciences. Information on applying to Cornell can be found at the College of Arts and Sciences and the main Cornell Admissions site.
Please email Professor Michael Niemack, the Director of Undergraduate Studies, at with any questions about the Physics Major at Cornell.
Current Cornell Students
Current students meeting the entrance requirements for the major [two physics courses (and the associated mathematics) with a grade of B- or better] can apply to the major by filling out the Physics Major application.
Students should then arrange to meet with the Physics Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), Professor Michael Niemack during office hours, or by emailing
Students who are not yet ready to join the major, but would like to find ways to become involved with Cornell Physics, are encouraged to join the Society of Physics Students.
Course Requirements
Course Requirements at a Glance
The Physics Core – All physics majors must complete a core of physics and mathematics courses as follows:
Three-semester introductory physics sequence plus special relativity:
PHYS 1112 – Physics I: Mechanics (students who take PHYS 1112 must either complete PHYS 2216 (1cr) or take PHYS 1116 to learn Special Relativity).
PHYS 1110 – Intro. to Experimental Physics
PHYS 2213 – Physics II: Heat/Electromagnetism
PHYS 2214 – Physics III: Oscillations, Waves, and Quantum Physics
PHYS 2216 – Introduction to Special Relativity
Or its more analytic “augmented” version:
PHYS 1116 – Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity
PHYS 1110 – Intro. to Experimental Physics
PHYS 2217 – Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 2218 – Physics III: Waves and Thermal Physics
PHYS 2210 – Exploring Experimental Physics
PHYS 2207 students with life/chemical/health science interests who decide to switch to the physics major may complete:
PHYS 2207 – Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 2213 – Physics II: Heat/Electromagnetism
PHYS 2214 – Physics III: Oscillations, Waves, and Quantum Physics
PHYS 2216 – Introduction to Special Relativity
*NOTE: A transition from PHYS 2208 to PHYS 2214 is also possible for students with very strong math backgrounds.
Mathematics courses covering single and multivariable calculus, linear algebra, series representations, and complex analysis:
MATH 1910 – Calculus for Engineers or
MATH 1120 – Calculus II
MATH 2230 – Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus or their equivalents
Five upper-level courses beyond the three-semester introductory sequence, consisting of:
(1) The two-course sequence in modern physics:
PHYS 3316 – Basics of Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 3317 – Applications of Quantum Mechanics
(2) At least three semester hours of laboratory work selected from:
PHYS 3310 – Intermediate Experimental Physics
PHYS 3330 – Modern Experimental Optics (crosslisted)
PHYS 3360 – Electronic Circuits (crosslisted)
PHYS 4410 – Advanced Experimental Physics
AEP 3640 – Modern Applied Physics Experimental Design
ASTRO 4410 – Experimental Astronomy
BEE 4500 – Bioinstrumentation
(3) An intermediate course in classical mechanics:
PHYS 3318 – Analytical Mechanics
(4) An intermediate course in electromagnetism:
PHYS 3327 – Advanced Electricity and Magnetism
Additional Requirements:
In addition to the core, each physics major must complete at least 15 semester hours of credit in an area of concentration that has been agreed upon by the student and major faculty advisor consistent with the guidelines found here.
First-Year Brochure
To learn more about the Physics Department and major, read the First-Year Brochure. (Updates to the major requirements have been made since the First-Year Brochure was printed. Please refer to the updated Major Requirements sheet here).
You may fill out the visit request form here to schedule a visit. We do not host weekend visits. We require two weeks from the submission date of your visit form to plan your visit.