Accelerator Physics; Superconducting RF acceleration systems and instrumentation for particle accelerators.
Research Focus
My research activities are primarily focused on accelerator physics. I am working with our superconducting RF group currently led by Prof. Matthias Liepe in developing high gradient superconducting RF cavities suitable for use in an electron positron linear collider. I have developed a technique based on second sound in superfluid helium to locate the site when the quench occurs in these cavities when they are driven to very high gradients. An array of sixteen tranducers can locate the quench site to a few millimeters. This is more accurate and very much simpler than the thermometer arrays used in the past involving many hundreds of thermometers limited to only two cells of a multi-cell cavity. I am continuing a modest program on developing low frequency superconducting RF cavities (200 MHz) suitable for muon beam acceleration.
SSC Control System
D. Hartill, Proceedings of Europhysics Conference on Control Systems for Experimental Physics, Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, 1987 Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, ed. B. Kuiper, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, CERN Pub. CERN 90-08 pg. 8
sMuon Lifetime Experiment
D. Hartill, Proceedings of the III ICFA School on Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 16-28 July 1990, Edited with J. C. Anjos, F. Sauli, and M. Sheaff – World Scientific
The CESR Magnet Power Supply System
D. Hartill and D. Rice, IEEE NS-26 4078 (1979)
Running CESR at High Luminosity and Beam Current with Superconducting RF System
CESR RF Operations Group, S. Belomestnykh et al., Proceedings of the 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26-30 June, 2000
Observation of B 0→D0π0 and B̅ 0→D*0π0
T. E. Coan et al., (CLEO Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 062001 (2002)