Yangyang Cheng is the 2017 Leonard M. Rieser Award Winner

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has named Yangyang Cheng its 2017 Leonard M. Rieser Award recipient for her April 22 essay “Let science be science again.” in which she wrote "I am the great-granddaughter of women with bound feet, for whom learning to read was a revolutionary act. I am a particle physicist at an Ivy League institution, working on the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. On April 22, I will be marching for science, for the promise of science as the great equalizer, for what it has been to me, and for what it can still be to many—to the privileged and the marginalized, to all."

The Rieser Award was established in 2015 to recognize outstanding emerging science and security experts who are passionate about connecting scientific research to policy outcomes.

Read the full article here.

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Yangyang Cheng