Andre Leclair



Quantum field theory for condensed matter, mathematical physics, cold atoms, topological insulators, integrable systems, theory of zeta functions.  



Research Focus

Cold atoms. Critical point of 2d Bose gas, Riemann Hypothesis.

Graduate Students
Dnyanesh Kulkarni



Awards and Honors

  • Phi Beta Kappa, 1982
  • Alfred P. Sloan foundation Fellow, 1992 
  • National Young Investigator Award, 1993


Professional Experience

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University, 1987-89. 
  • Assistant Professor, Physics, Cornell University, 1989-95. 
  • Associate Professor, Physics, Cornell University, 1995-2003. 
  • Professor, Physics, Cornell University, 2003-present. 
  • Visiting appointments at: Institute for Theoretical Physics, U.C. Santa Barbara; Centre d'Energie Atomiquie (Saclay), Paris, France; University of Montreal; University of Paris at Jussieu; University Autonoma de Madrid, Spain; Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK; Galileo Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy; Ecole Normal Superieur, Paris, France; CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, IIP, Natal, Brazil.  



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PHYS Courses - Fall 2024
